June 18, 2018
I drove into Leilani knowing i would not be able to get to my house. I went to the road block across Leilani Blvd. at Pomaikai and got out of my car. Ended up having a good conversation with 4 guys from USGS… They asked if they could help me and I said… “I want to go home” to which they said… “I bet you do”  Informative in they thought our place was good but with the height of the channel flow if it should break we would have no time to get out.  We are on a list with Civil Defense to get into the house but who knows when that will be.  I drove down your street and videoed it… Tephra was heavily covering your property. I started to walk down the driveway and quickly found out I was not wearing the right shoes for it.  It looked like no one had driven down the driveway that I could see.

Love you… Miss you…   Ann