July 10, 2018 Lava Channel Overflow
Ahalanui Beach Park (Hot Pond) and Kua O Ka La Charter School nearby have been spared, at least temporarily… as an overflow at the bottom of the braided channel just above Kapoho Crater drained the lava from the river below. As of this morning, lava had stalled about 150 yards away from the treasured school and hot pond area. The overflow sent lava in the direction of Cinderland and Railroad Ave to the north, but that flow appears to have stalled as well. However the flow moving around the crater to the south is still headed in the direction of Ahalanui and the charter school… but is over two miles away as of this morning. The ocean entry continues to pour lava into the ocean, but with a considerable reduction in the amount of lava making its way to the Pacific Ocean. The source of the eruption upslope is, of course Fissure 8. Our visit there was atmospheric to say the least, due to steam rising from the superheated flow field. Fissure 8 is still very active, sending 2-thousand degree hot fluid lava downslope in rivers… to the ocean entry some eight miles below. We also spotted a vortices forming on the flow field this morning. Leilani, Punatic Social Media Texting Ducky, Very Special Guest Ann Kalber, Bruce Omori and I had an unbelievable Paradise Helicopters charter this morning! Mahalo, Pete… and as always, mahalo to Paradise Helicopters for making our overflight possible!
Mahalo to Paradise Helicopters and Bruce Omori at Extreme Exposure